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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2014-06-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta followed the students and teachers through the portal to Antoinette's home."Holy Mother Nature..."Rosetta whispered once she saw the grand hall of Antoinette's home.

Claude helped the younger students through the portal.

Kitty knew she was in Hell, it was a place she had been many times during the summer she had turned 18 when she had been Lucifer's lover. Kitty had kept it a very well hidden secret from everyone, her friends, family and co-workers. Kitty hasn't step foot in Hell in over 17 years.

2014-06-17 [GlamGamer]: The home had pale walls, marble columns, dark wood floors and two staircases upstairs. Stain glass windows surrounded the large double doors with gold accents. Despite the opulence, it had all been done in the greenest way possible. Built by Fey and Nymphs that had created all of the materials used in the house so no old forests or mountains had been destroyed to create it. There were potted plants everywhere, portraits of Antoinette and her parents on the wall at the top of the stairs and nice seating.

Jaden stopped to talk with one of the demons that had gathered there. It wasn't often that people came to hell without becoming their playthings.

Lucifer spotted Kitty but didn't say anything. He knew she wanted to keep their affair a secret to her family and coworkers.

2014-06-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was shell shocked at the beauty of the home.

Claude picked up two crying 5 year twin girls and carried them through the portal.

Kitty walked over to one of the cots and sat down. She grabbed a first aid box."Stupid mother fucking vampire bitch."She muttered as she wipped her wounded leg with an alcohol wipe and she winced in slight pain.

2014-06-17 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded and spoke with the guard about taking about how much space was left in the underground city directly below them, nodding a little. She turned to everyone gathered in the entrance and her heart broke a little. There were so few of them left.. She hoped there were more in Heaven at least. She put on a brave face though, "If you'll all follow me, we'll get you settled in." She walked up the stairs with Andre's help, having to be carried up half way through.

Lucifer looked at Jaden, knowing he could leave when he was ready and then looked at Kitty and decided she could leave with Jaden, closing the portal before any bad things from Hell could seep into Antoinette's home.

2014-06-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta followed everyone to the underground city.

"Dad!"Luciana shouted when she appeared in Hell. She looked like she had gotten into a fight...which she had been in."Uncle Gabe is a dickhead! Pigheaded male!"She huffed as she stormed over to him."The Uncles refuse to hand over the students and teachers. The Uncles say they are safer with God. So I decked Uncle Gabe and got my ass handed to me."

Kitty bandaged up her leg then she cleaned the bite and claw marks on her body.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled at them as they followed, "I'm afraid there's not much room left in the underground city, so you'll be joining me up here." She lead the way down the hall. "The rooms in this wing were designed for younger family members when we have gatherings here. They should be comfortable, but just like at school, you'll have to pair up." She stopped at the beginning of the bedrooms, "Please, feel free to choose. Boy rooms on the left, girls on the right. Each room has it's own bathroom."

Lucifer sighed and chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head. "Darling, we're not supposed to be fighting them right now. We can kick their asses later. And if they want to keep the students and teachers, fine. We all know God only steps in when it suits him. Meanwhile, we're the ones actually helping others. Imagine that. I'm sure there are enough people in Antoinette's safe homes and her own house, with more survivors going there.. They don't need any more."

Jaden walked over to Kitty, "Want a hand?"

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta looked up at Damion."I'm going to share with Victoria just so you know I'm safe. Okay?"She smiled.

"He was pissing me off, Dad. Uncle Gabe is an ass."Luciana sighed as she rubbed her ribs."I think he cracked my ribs."

"Yeah. I think I have one of Delia's fangs in my side..."Kitty said looking up at Jaden.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded just a little, "I'll be just across the hall." He said, and then he went to helping the younger students pair up and look at the rooms.

Antoinette walked over to Clyde and the twins, smiling softly, "I think I have a room for you two."

Lucifer just chuckled more, "He pisses everyone off." He put a hand on her ribs and healed them to just light bruising. "Your brother is taking stock of your friends army and protection. Meet him there and you two can discuss how to find and kill the vampire you want revenge on. I'll need him to report the numbers to me soon though.

Jaden nodded a little and knelt down, looking at her side. He saw the red irritated site and lightly touched the area around it. He didn't want to accidentally push the fang in further. He frowned, "You can bite me." He said, not really giving an explanation why he said it. Soon it was clear as he used his nails to cut near the fang and then pinched it, pushing the fang out of the bigger hole.

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay, Teddy."Rosetta went in search for Victoria.

"Yes father."Luciana nodded then she disappeared.

Kitty screamed in pain as Jaden dug around for the fang."You mother-fucking-pickhead-bastard!!!!!"She kicked Jaden away from her before he could get the fang out. She panted heavily."You could have warned me, Jaden..."She muttered as she laid back on the cot and closed her eyes.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Victoria was standing off to the side, watching the others.

Lucifer nodded and then looked over at Jaden and Kitty, raising one brow before he disappeared.

Jaden didn't go very far and he sighed heavily, "Kitty, I'm in Hell. 'You can bite me' is about as much warning as I can muster. Now hold still." He said, coming closer again and as gently as he could, got the fang out. He then leaned in and licked the wound, which oddly enough made the pain ease and the wound begin to heal up. "There." He sat back and waited. He could feel the glares of the other demons on the back of his neck, but wouldn't give them the satisfaction of turning around.

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Victoria!"Rosetta called as she pushed her way through the crowd.

Kitty held as still as she could and held back a scream of pain. She looked at Jaden."Did you just lick me?"

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Victoria looked up, "Yeah?" She couldn't tell who was saying her name.

"Healing properties in Hell... It's how our lovers actually survive down here. We get a little violent, so Lucifer built in a way for us to keep them alive." Jaden just kind of shrugged, "If that's what we wanted... The lovers Demons bring down here are also usually their play toys and sex is just part of toying with them.. Pleasure mixed with torture."

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Share a room?"Rosetta asked as she got closer.

Kitty already knew why he had licked her but she had to pretend not to know why. She also knew what happens to the lovers of Hell....she had been one."Ew I really didn't need to know that and now I have your coodies on me."She teased a little.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: "Sure?" Victoria shrugged a little.

Jaden just smirked, "I can give you more coodies if you'd like?"

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh good! I was a little worried that you wouldn't and I would have to share with someone else then Damion would get worried and stand guard outside the door."Rosetta ranted a little.

Kitty rolled her eyes."Shut it, Jaden."She chuckled then winced."Ow..."She gripped her side."Oh I'm gonna kill that bitch."

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Victoria just smiled a little, "Are you sure he still wont be standing guard all night?"

Jaden's smirk turned into a grin and then he nodded, "She'd be a nice treat for my brothers over there." He pointed over his shoulder.

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "He better not or I'll call his mother and tell her that he's stalking me."Rosetta giggled.

"Your brothers? I never knew you had brothers?"Kitty glanced over at the demons.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled a little, then frowned, "Rose... Have you called your family?"

Jaden finally looked back at them, "Two of them are my actual brothers, they're Protectors too, though they've been in Hell since this started.. Their families where attacked and destroyed. Technically they've been here a month, most of their humanity is gone."

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "No, I haven't. If I did my family and Damion's family would come and take me and Damion away from our friends. Oh and they would put us on lock down and I mean lock down. Shove us in a safe room with a small army of family of bears and nymphs."

"And I would think they wouldn't want their humanity back since their families are gone."Kitty frowned a little.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: "Yes, but are you sure they're safe..?" Victoria frowned.

"We're mostly human, Kitty.. We get stronger in Hell, their belief is the longer they stay in Hell... The stronger they'll be and they'll get their revenge." Jaden frowned a little.

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta started to panic a little."I'll be back. Pick a room and I'll find out where you are. I need to speak to Teddy." She ran down the hall banging on all the boys doors to find Damion.

"Humanity is what makes you stronger not the lack of it."Kitty said softly.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Victoria bit her lip. She hadn't ment to freak her out.

"There she is." Damion said, he was on the phone, so he opened the door and smiled a little, "Here." It was her family, safe with his, though a little injured.

"In the long run, yes... but they don't necessarily want to live after they get their revenge... the othees in the group are my brothers in arms.. old battle buddies." Jaden stood

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta ran into Damion, she grunted a little."Need to us your phone, Teddy. Need to find out if the family is okay."She panted softly.

Kitty nodded a little as she sat up slowly."I don't blame them. Without revenge fueling you to go on in life what else is there to live for."

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: "I called them." Damion said, wiggling the phone a little. You were safe, so I made sure they were."

"Their children, but they've never loved them very much. Just their duty to add to the Protector line." Jaden glanced at them, making sure none of them would try anything, "We should get going."

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "So everyone is okay?"Rosetta asked with a frown.

Kitty stood up slowly."Let's go, Jaden. I need a cat nap."

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: "Yes, but I'm pretty sure your mother will kill you if you don't talk to her." Damion chuckled softly.

Jaden opened a portal and helped her through.

2014-06-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Stealing your phone."Rosetta grabbed his phone and called her mother."Mammy! Yes I'm fine. Yes Damion is looking out for me and yes I'm looking out for Damion. Is everyone okay? No ones hurt?"Rosetta nodded as she listened to her mum.

Kitty walked out of Hell with Jaden.

2014-06-18 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded and sat down on his bed, "Ohh damn these are comfy.."

Jaden closed the portal behind him.

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh no! Daisy broke her leg? Oh no..."Rosetta frowned as she paced Damion's room.

"Wow, Princess has a nice place."Kitty muttered.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion frownec, sitting up.

Jaden looked around, "Damn.."

Antoinette went to Wrath, "Colin is the general here, he'll be able to tell you our real numbers." She started to sway on her feet.

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta chuckled softly."I bet both of them are running around after her. Okay mammy, I'll check in later. Love you."She hung up."Quinn and Marcus are running around after Daisy. Mum says that Daisy is close to banning Marcus from her bed and making honey suckle grow in Quinn's pockets."She giggled as she sat next to him on the bed.

"Much nicer than Hell."Kitty smirked a little.

Wrath looked at Antoinette."Thank you, Princess but you need to rest."

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a littlr, "I'm glad they're ok."

"Yeah it is." Jaden nodded a little.

Antoinette shrugged a little, "I'm fine. I have too much to do."

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Me too.Oh dear goddess your right, Teddy. The beds are comfty..."Rosetta smiled."So how's your family?"

Kitty nodded a little.

Wrath sighed heavily and picked up Antoinette."If you won't listen to me then you will listen to your cousin."He walked over to Andre.

"Hey Wrath! What's wrong with Antoinette?"Luciana frowned as she walked over to them.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled, "They're fine. No injuries they can't heal from."

Jaden could hear the students, so he started upstairs.

"Hey!" Antoinette blinked a few times, getting dizzy from the suden movement. She looked up at Wrath, "Put me down." She looked over at Lucianna, "Nothings wrong." She insisted.

Andre looked at them and raised a brow, sending the guard away, "Yes?"

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm glad your family is okay and thanks for calling my mum."Rosetta smiled then she sat up on the bed."Let me see your burn wound, Teddy."

Kitty carefully walked up the stairs.

"Something must be wrong if Wrath is holding you."Luciana said with a shrug.

"Your cousin refuses to rest even though she is weak, hurt and needs to sleep. She will listen to you."Wrath said as he handed Antoinette over to Andre.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion shook his head, "Nuh uh. I'm sleeping."

Jaden looked around, "I don't think I'd leave here if this was my place."

Andre took her and then set her down carefully. She looked pissed and he wasn't about to be on the recieving end of it.

Antoinette turned on Wrath, "You do not get to tell me what to do, or how I'm going to do it, understand? Not here, not ever, I am not a child and I am not yours to command, got it?" She got snappy when she was tired, and this was her home.. The guards were watching too, so it was a bit of needing to appear as their future queen and in charge.

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "No your not. Your eyes are open, your sitting up and speaking to me. Now show me before I call your mum."Rosetta smiled as she poked his cheek.

"I couldn't live here unless the garden was huge."Kitty said.

"What good is the future Queen when she is half dead on her feet?"Wrath shrugged a little."Just trying to make sure my baby sister's only friend is safe and alive."

"Hey! I do have friends....wait not that's a lie. Yeah he's right, Antoinette is pretty much my only friend that isn't a hell hound."Luciana nodded a little.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion pouted a little, then sat up and pulled off his shirt.

"She's an Earth and Water Fey.. pretty sure the garden is huge." Jaden smiled a little.

Antoinette's lips pressed together for a moment and then she turned, "Darren, take Wrath to the general. He has questions." Then she turned away from them all and walked away.

Andre watched her go and then turned to Wrath and Luciana, "First time dealing with a tired fey?" He snickered and followed his cousin.

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta knelt on the bed behind Damion and she ran her finger tips over his burn."Oh Teddy...I think its gotten worse. It looks infected, I see pus and blisters." Rosetta rumaged through her handbag for something to help his wound.

"That's good because the shifters and weres will need to shift soon."Kitty said softly.

"Can I punch him, Wrath?"Luciana asked as she glared at Andre.

"No, Luci."Wrath said softly before following Darren.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shrugged, "Hey, we should see if Luciana or Wrath know something that can help.."

Jaden nodded a little, "I'll go ask where it is." He broke off to talk to a guard.

Andre caught up to his cousin, catching her before she could fall, and then convinced her to indeed get some rest. She could go to her father's study and nap there. It would appear as though she was talking with him about what to do and atleast she'd rest.

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Well let's go then Teddy and find Luciana."Rosetta got off the bed and grabbed Damion's hand and started tugging on it."Come on!"She grunted as she tried and failed to pull him off the bed. She really wasn't that strong.

"Thanks."Kitty said as she leaned against a wall and gripped her side.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion watched her, laughing.

Jaden got directions and went to Kitty, "You'll heal better in animal form, right?"

2014-06-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was getting angry. She let go of his hand and looked at the potted plant in the room and she made the vines grow long and thick then she wrapped the vine around Damion. It picked him up off the bed and placed him on his feet next to her."Much better."Rosetta smiled as the vine unwrapped itself from him.

"Yeah but not all worns heal when in animal form."Kitty said.

2014-06-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion just laughed harder, leaning down and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, it was just funny."

Jaden nodded a little

2014-06-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm just not that strong...and your heavier than me." Rosetta pouted a little.

2014-06-20 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned and kissed her forehead, "I know, it was still funny."

2014-06-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm glad I amuse you,Teddy." Rosetta smiled a little.

2014-06-22 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little, "You do."

2014-06-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Right enough chatting. Let's find Luciana or Wrath."Rosetta said as she made her way to the door.

2014-06-23 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and opened the door for her.

Jaden led Kitty to the french doors that led outside. "Holly shit..." He muttered, looking at the huge garden. A little overgrown it had several flowers and trees, with a natural looking koi pond and everything was three times as big as the school's yards.

2014-06-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta walked out the room with Damion and went in search for Luciana or Wrath.

Wrath and Luciana where talking to the General and it wasn't going well.

Kitty ran on the grass then leaped into the air and shifted into a leopard as she landed on the grass.

2014-06-23 [GlamGamer]: Damion asked around and finally they were led downstairs to the entrance of the underground city where the General, Wrath and Luciana.

The General sighed heavily, "I cannot share sensitive information with people I do not know, and have not heard it directly from the Princess or the Council that I'm even supposed to tell you." He raised his finger, "Darren, if you want to help you will fetch the Princess. Otherwise, back to your station."

Darren scowled, dropping his voice, "Sir, she was practically dead on her feet." He glanced at Wrath, "Her wings were...Well, she had black feathers and bald spots, and other wounds Sir, I don't believe it's." He stopped talking when the general blew a whistle.

Jaden watched her, "Try not to kill any of the Princess' pets Kitty." He teased with a grin.

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."Of course. We shall wait until the Princess has awoken and has given you a direct order to allow myself and my sister to have the information."

Luciana just glared at The General.

Kitty flicked her tail at Jaden then she ran off into the garden.

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: The General nodded, "Good, now, if you will excuse me I have work." And he turned and entered the city, shutting the door behind him.

Darren sighed, "I'm sorry..." He looked over at Damion and Rose, "May I help you?"

Damion shook his head a little, "We're here to talk to them." He nodded to Wrath and Luciana

Jaden chuckled and left the garden so she could roam around.

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at Rosetta and Damion and raised an eyebrow."What? We're kinda busy."

Rosetta frowned a little."Damion's burn, that you caused by the way, isn't healing. Why is that? He's a shifter which means they are fast healers."

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: "I'm a Protector, but with half of my torso covered in burns, I can only half ass my job. And, even using the stuff they gave me, it's only getting worse." Damion lifted his shirt. The burn was infected, swollen and blistered.

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh shit...I never knew my fire was that powerful.."Luciana frowned as she looked at Damion's torso.

"Yeah not even my fire is that powerful. Luci your fire is near enough as strong as fathers."Wrath said then he looked at Damion."Sadly Luciana can only heal you if your in Hell."

"Aw hell...seriously? Fine. Let's go, Bear."Luciana opened a portal to her room in Hell.

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little, "Sweet.." He really didn't have a better response. He followed Luciana into the portal and look around, "Nice room."

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed as she followed him into the portal then she closed the portal."Thanks."She sighed then she sighed again."Okay you need to know I haven't unlocked the healing powers inside of me but my dad give me the same healing powers as the demons. It's only temporary though."She ran her fingers through her hair."I have to...lick your wound to heal it."

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: "Um... Okay?" Damion looked at her like she was crazy.

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: "Um... Okay?" Damion looked at her like she was a little crazy.

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed again."Trust me I'd rather not lick you. I personally find this disgusting."

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion started laughing when he realized she was serious.

2014-06-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm being deadly serious, Bear." Luciana said with a shrug."No offence."

2014-06-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion finally stopped laughing, "I'm sorry.. I just pictured your dad sitting there, twiddling his thumbs thinking 'Hmm, how do I give the demons the ability to heal others...AH! Yes! Licking.. Licking shall be the way!'.. I just.. Can't..." And with that he started laughing again and had to ease into a chair because he was laughing so hard. He didn't stop laughing again until he split open his wounds and wince, "Oww..." He half laughed, holding his side.

2014-06-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Demons can heal each other without licking and if thy are outside of Hell they can heal themselves and other demon or non-demons without licking. Look my dad wanted to keep demons lovers unharmed kinda, so he gave demons the power to heal there loves whenever they licked them. Demons get really rough in bed."Luciana shrugged.

2014-06-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned and shook his head, "Not the image of Jaden I wanted.." He nodded, "Alright, go ahead, I'll try not to laugh anymore."

2014-06-25 [Cerulean Sins]: "Right take off any clothing that covers the wound."Luciana sighed softly.

2014-06-25 [GlamGamer]: Damion stood again, pulling off his shirt with a small growl.

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Right sit down on the chair and tell me where my fire got ya."Luciana said a she crossed her arms over her chest.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded and sat, "Here, here... And on my back shoulder where I can't reach." He pointed out the areas. "Course, I was a bear at the time, so I don't remember a lot."

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay."Luciana moved behind the chair and leaned down. She took a deep breath and licked the wound on his back.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion held as still as he possibly could, shivering a little.

Antoinette woke up after a brief nap, going to her room for a quick shower and to change, folding in her wings with a wince. She put on an over sized t-shirt that acted as a dress. After her shower she got a huge coffee with lots of sugar and went off to find Wrath..

Andre had fallen asleep in the chair while he watched his cousin, and didn't wake up when she left.

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh yeah I should warn you it's meant to feel...good and stuff."Luciana muttered then she contuined on licking his wound.

Wrath rolled his shoulders a little as he checked on the students in he made his way to the kitchen for as coffee. He needed a pick me up.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion just nodded a little, doing his best to keep from blushing.

Antoinette was bouncing down the hall and smiled when she saw Wrath, taking a sip of her frappuccino. "Hey..." She stopped, "You look like you could use some coffee. Come on." She spun on her heel and led the way to the kitchen. Sugar made her hyper, coffee made her chatty.

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana kept on licking the wound on his back then she moved up his shoudler blade and along his shoulder.

Wrath raised an eyebrow but followed her to the kitchen.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Damion cleared his throat a little.

Antoinette walked into the kitchen, setting her coffee down before going to a cabinet. She opened it and crawled on top of the counter, pulling down a few different coffees. She turned, sitting on the counter, "The espresso machine is in that weird cupboard there, and the regular machine is over there."

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana worked her way down his shoudler towards his chest.

Wrath nodded and took out the espresso machine. He grabbed a level 5 coffee then he got the machine up and running. He worked as if he had been a trained barestia.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: "What is this?" Lucifer asked from the doorway. He did not sound amused.

Antoinette watched him, sipping her coffee. She smiled a little "So, did you get the information you needed?"

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana froze in fear when she heard her fathers voice but only for a moment. She jerked away from Damion then she stood up and looked at her dad."Hi dad. Just healing a bear that I burned when I lost my wings."She spoke very fast and her voice was slightly panicked mostly because of the look on her dad's face.

Wrath shrugged a little."Not really, Princess."

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer raised both brows, "Oh?"

Damion stood and put some distance between him and Luciana, "It's the truth, honest.."

Antoinette frowned, "Was the General a little guarded, Prince?"

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "If it makes you feel better dad, I'm still a virgin."Luciana sighed loudly."Dad look at his fucking chest and you know I did that to him. I'm trying to help but if you want the bear to die then fine. I'll let him die but your dealing with one pissed off Earth Nymph."

Wrath shook his head a little as he waited for the espresso to brew."No."

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at Luciana for a moment, then looked at Damion, "Next time tell me when you have a house guest." He said simply.

Antoinette frowned, "Then what happened?"

2014-06-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Deal. Oh and for the record if I had the power to heal then I wouldn't need to lick people. Hint hint birthday present full powers hint hint."She glared a little.

"He simpley refused to tell myself or my sister."Wrath said as he added sugar into his cup. He saw the water was hot enough, so he added the ground coffee into the flitter handles, locked them into the machine and hit the button to give him two shots.

2014-06-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed a little, "Yeah, yeah." He said before leaving.

"That, dear Wrathy, is what I meant by guarded." She said, hoping off the counter and walking over to him. When he turned to her, she tapped his nose and grinned before leaving going to the kitchen doorway, "Rolls, if you'll be a so kind as to get the General and ask him to meet us in the council room, I'd be very grateful. Oh! And the council members, and knock on my father's study as you pass. Andre should be there also." The guard nodded and left.

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana rolled her eyes then she looked at Damion."You tell anyone at the school about me being a virgin or I will burn you."

Wrath wondered what she was up to but he shrugged and took his espressco and stirred it.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: Damion raised a brow, "Is being a virgin bad now?"

She walked back over, picked up her coffee, "Come on bad ass." Antoinette said as she left the kitchen.

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "It wasn't a 100 years ago but now it is, dumbass."Luciana sighed loudly.

Wrath frowned as he followed her as he held his small cup.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shrugged a little, "I don't see how it's such a bad thing. What's so great about being sexually active in high school?"

Antoinette led the way into the council meeting room, an oval table in the middle, with chairs and benches at the side of the room for citizens and such. She walked to the head of the table, dragging out a chair for him as she took her seat.

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "Just keep your mouth shut got it? Now sit back down so I can finish healing you."Luciana sighed loudly. She was getting slightly annoyed.

"I'll stand."Wrath said as he took a spot in the back corner.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little, "Yes Ma'am." He saluted before sitting down.

Antoinette watched him, then sat down, "Rude!" She said, using her foot to drag the chair back in. Then she stopped and looked at her coffee, "That's why they hide it on the top shelf..." She looked up and grinned as Andre came in and joined her at the table.

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed loudly."I'm getting too old for this shit."She muttered as she knelt next to the chair and went back to licking the wounds on his chest.

Wrath raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: Damion kept his mouth shut, concentrating on not letting it affect him.

Andre took a sip of her coffee, then walked to her other side with a glance at Wrath and he leaned down, kiss her cheek and giving her a grin that would make just about anyone blush. "You know you're not supposed to have that stuff." He commented, "I like it when you're rebellious."

Antoinette smiled a little, blushing ever so slightly. "Yes, well, I think we have other problems then the high sugar, high caffeine things I'm not 'supposed' to have."

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana soon finished licking thr whole wound and as she stood the wound was healing.

Wrath sipped his espressco with a very small smile.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: Damion un-clenched his fists and looked at the wound. "Huh.."

Andre nodded a little, "True.." He looked over, standing as the General and the remaining council members came in. Only three of the original eight were still alive.

Antoinette stood, instantly sobering when she saw them. She walked over, checking each one over, chewing the inside of her lip, "None of that." She said when they started to bow, "Not today, come, sit." She indicated to the table and took her seat again. "We have... Matters to discuss, unfortunately."

2014-06-27 [Cerulean Sins]: "What?"Luciana asked with one eyebrow raised.

Wrath glanced over at the three council members. He looked them over making sure to remeber their names and faces. He had a feeling one of them was in league with Delia and the other vampires. Wrath just had to figure out which one.

2014-06-27 [GlamGamer]: "I kinda thought you were lying and just wanted a reason to lick my chest." With that, Damion looked up and grinned, just teasing her.

Two of them looked banged up, weary. And the third was just acting, acting well enough that Antoinette and the others didn't seem to realize it. With Antoinette at the head of the table she cleared her throat. "Allow me to begin by saying how thankful I am to all of you for everything you've done. As I understand it, the cities are safe from now, we just have to hope the vampires don't figure out where they are.. Or how to get past the wards against them." She frowned, "Now, as for why I called you all here... I want to discuss putting full council choosing in my hands." She raised a hand before anyone could chime in, "It would be temporary. Right now, we are working with various other creatures, with Nephilum being the other main targets... Though it seems they'll kill anyone in their way. But that means we need to work with these people and their governments, and while they are in our care, their wants. However, we don't have time for a full voting session and we need to be operating at our best as soon as possible."

2014-06-28 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana rolled her eyes."Ugh as if, Bear. Your not my type."

Wrath smirked just a little when he spotted the traitor. He sipped his espressco as he watched Antoinette. He would tell her of the traitor after the meeting.

2014-06-28 [GlamGamer]: "Mmmhmm, sure." Damion grinned a little, looking around, "So how long have you been around any way."

The council voted, allowing Antoinette control of the council members. Only the traitor wasn't happy about it. "I have no war experience and for that reason, I am shifting some positions around. General, I am temporarily moving you to the Colonel position of our Army. You will act as one of my Advisers. Andre will be the other. As for my council member choices, I would be happy to take suggestions.. I'll announce them tonight."

2014-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked over to her vainaty table and grabbed bottle of mouth wash from the draw. She took a big swig and swirled it around her mouth. She put the mouth wash back then picked up the bin and spat."18 years, why?."She lied.

Wrath savoured every sip of his espressco but it was soon gone.

2014-06-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion shrugged a little, "I know time moves faster down here for you guys... I was just curious how much faster. No one really knows."

The council members nodded. The group stayed together for a little longer, discussing their food supplies and such. Antoinette nodded, "Well, we have earth elementals here.. Let's go to the yard, find the sunniest spot and we'll make it into crop grounds so that we can at least have fresh fruits and vegetables.."

2014-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "And no one will ever know the anwser to that, Bear."Luciana said as she opened up a portal to Earth."Shirt back on Bear cause I'm taking you back to your nymph."

Wrath thought that was a good idea she had about the fruit and vegetables.

2014-06-29 [GlamGamer]: Damion pulled back on his shirt, "Yes Ma'am." He nodded and stepped through.

One of the members made a not of it, "Perhaps nuts as well.." She suggested softly, getting Antoinette's approval.

2014-06-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana followed him into the portal and once on Earth she closed the portal.

"Teddy!!!"Rosetta cheered as she trackled Damion into a hug.

Wrath put his cup down on the table.

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion hugged her tightly, "Hey Rose."

Antoinette looked up at him, dismissing everyone, then looked at the now Colonel. "If you would Sir, please answer any questions this man has for you. His name is Prince Wrath Star. And I trust him."

The Colonel nodded, "Of course M'Lady."

2014-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "You've been away for hours! I was so worried about you."Rosetta had been worried, her hair was slightly curly from her twirling her hair. That was her tell, if she twirled her hair then she was worried.

Wrath looked at the Colonel then asked him all the questions he needed. He wrote down the answers the thanked him. He left and went in search of his sister.

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, bouncing one of the curls. "Healing isn't easy."

Antoinette and Andre went off on their own, going to the kitchen first to make sure they had enough people to cook all of the food they were going to need. Then they went to the underground city and met with some of the people there.

2014-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Are you all healed?"Rosetta asked but she didn't wait for an answer. She pulled back from him a little and lifted up his shirt."Wow it's not infected anymore."She smiled as she let his shirt fall back into place.

Wrath found Luciana and dragged her into the garden. He told her of his thoughts on the traitor.

Luciana nodded a little as she listened to her brothers thoughts."Makes sence, brother."

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "Oh, yeah, and I met Lucifer face to face... That was... Interesting."

When they were done Andre dragged her to the dance studio. She needed to relax and focus on her choices for council members, she could do that dancing.

2014-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta's smile fell and she frowned."What? Interesting how?"

"We need to tell dad and Antionette."Luciana said as they walked.

"I'll tell dad and you tell Antionette." Wrath said.

"Deal." Luciana said as she went in search for Antionette.

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: "He is terrifying.." The Damion just laughed. "Felt like a cub again and my dad was pissed."

Andre and Antoinette were warming up in the studio.

2014-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "That scary?"Rosetta frowned."Oh Damion."She hugged him.

Luciana found out from a guard where Antoinette was. So she went to the dance hall but glared at the two guards blocking the enterance."Seriously need to see Princess Antoinette."She said but sighed when the guards told her no."Time for an ass kicking then."And with those words she started fighting with ther guards.

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "It's alright, honest."

Antoinette stopped when she heard fighting, going outside. "What on Earth is going on?!"

2014-06-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okayyyy..."Rosetta said softly.

Luciana had knocked the first guard out and just as Antoinette had came out the room, Luciana did a spinning to the second guards head. She looked at Antoinette."Hi and they wouldn't let me past."

2014-06-30 [GlamGamer]: Damion kissed her forehead, "Come on.. Let's go see the garden." He knew it would make her happy to be surrounded by the plants.

"So you have to beat them up? Luciana, they're not supposed to let people in here, I don't like people seeing me dance.." She frowned and knelt down, "You should have knocked." She told the guard before he passed out again. She looked down the hall as more guards came, "Please take these two to the infirmary. Thank you.." She stood, taking Luciana's hand and taking her into the room and closing the doors behind them.

Andre stopped stretching, he was in a tank top and his tight boxer shorts, with socks on. Antoinette only had on one sock, and there was music going in the room. He leaned down and turned it down, "We got another partner?" He grinned.

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled brightly."Yay!"She dragged him to the garden.

"I did try to knock and yes I did have to beat them up so I can tell you something very important."Luciana said to Antoinette then she looked at Andre."I don't dance, ever."

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, going to the garden with her.

"Not you, the guard. I could.... Never mind, it doesn't matter. What's wrong?" Antoinette frowned a little.

Andre chuckled, "That's too bad."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled as she went into the garden. She let go of Damion's hand and ran out onto the grass kicking off her shoes as she went.

"You have a traitor in your council, Antoinette. I hate to be the one to tell ya but I lost rock, paper scissors."Luciana sighed.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled as he watched her, collecting her shoes as he walked to a bench.

Antoinette stiffened, "What do you mean?"

Andre frowned and walked to the door, checking to make sure no one was there.

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was awe at the beauty of the garden as she ran around.

"I mean what I say. You have a traitor in your mitts. A double agent. A rotten egg." Luciana shrugged."I'll kill the traitor for ya if you want. No skin off my nose."

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion watched her, keeping his guard up though..

"It's all fine and dandy for you to accuse someone, but I need a name and your reason." Antoinette folded her arms across her chest.

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta hugged a Cherry Blossmon tree and smiled brightly. She loved feeling conected to nature.

Luciana nodded."I do believe his name is Lord Alexander De Fluer. Wrath noticed that De Fluer was acting that he was distressed, scared and shaken up. Oh and he was shifty."

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, sniffing the air a little.

"De Fluer?! You realize he was my father's best friend from childhood, and of course he would be distressed, we were just attacked!" Antoinette frowned, "Please do not take it badly that I will need real proof, not just accusations... He's been a trusted member of our council since my father started his reign. To accuse him of being a traitor, and then to be wrong... I would not be able to come back from that, and worse I wouldn't be able to save you or Wrath from the persecution that would happen.. I can see it already: Lucifer's children poison the Princess' mind. We can't trust them, but can we trust her?... It would be crazy.."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta climbed up the tree and sat on the branch."So this is what it's like to be tall. I like it."She smiled.

Luciana sighed loudly."Fine I'll get your proof." She shrugged."Wrath and I have came back from worse than having the Fey council point there fingers at us. Like I said no skin off my nose but yours....yeah I get it."

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: "Hey, be careful up there please." Damion called.

Antoinette frowned a little, "We don't need a war with Hell when we're already fighting vampires.. And I've seen your dad at only half way pissed off, and I think we both know I'm right when I say that's far enough to make him go to war.."

Andre looked over at them, he'd been guarding the door. "And how exactly do you mean to prove it? I suppose you could always set him up to reveal himself, but that would take careful planing."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "I will, Teddy!"Rosetta called back as she smiled.

Luciana shook her head."Naw, he wouldn't start a war unless he had De Fluer in his RRP, Red Room of Pain." She said to Antoinette then she looked at Andre."Well I was planning on drugging him, tying him up and let Antoinette see his memories of his evil doings."

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, shaking his head a little.

Antoinette frowned, "And how would I see his memories?"

Andre raised a brow, "It would have to be something the other council members view as acceptable, otherwise we're right back to the whole 'poisoning the princess' mind' scenario.. I'm on your side with this, I don't like the guy, but it has to be something the others will accept. Many people like him."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "I was planning on projecting them into your mind....if dad let's me have that power temporarily. I seriously need to get my full powers, I can't wait until I'm 1000."Luciana sighed then looked at Andre."Okay Frenchy who likes to ask me annoying questions, how would you expose dumbass De Fluer?"She raised an eyebrow at him with her hands on her hips. She was tired and on a come down from the bloodlust she had felt only just hours ago. One thing she loved was a good fight.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Andre held up his hand and listened to the foot steps outside. When they were gone, he looked at her. "If he is working with the vampires, then the sudden discovery of refugees that we're wanting to rescue would be something he couldn't resist sharing with them. Antoinette could summon him and the Colonel, telling them that she wants them to keep a mission secret. She needs De Fluer to set up medical supplies without anyone noticing, and the Colonel to retrieve the refugees. The reason she wants it to stay under the radar is because she fears the rest of the council would object because of limited supplies." He nodded to Antoinette, "She could play the 'you were my fathers best friend and the only one I can trust with this' card.."

Antoinette frowned, "Okay, but how will we know if he's called them? Unless we pick a place that we can easily monitor."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Refugees? At the school? Oh please! Any evil motherfucker would be smart enough to search the whole of the school to see if any students or teachers where left behind by mistake."Luciana shook her head a little.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Andre raised a brow, "I didn't say anything about the school. Anyone left behind there is dead Cupcake. You might think I'm an idiot, but I'm not."

"Enough you two." Antoinette rubbed her temples and then looked at Andre, "One of the council's safe houses. There's security camera's there that we can monitor from here." She looked at Luciana, "Do you think that would work?"

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana glared at Andre then she looked at Antoinette."Yes that would work."She nodded.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Andre glared back, arms crossed. Then he looked at Antoinette and nodded a little, "I'll go let the Colonel know what we're doing.."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "No. We tell no one. We don't know how far this treasonous actions have spread within this palace."Luciana said as she looked at Andre.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned, "We can't exactly send a bunch of men to their deaths. If they get attacked by vampires because we sent them somewhere no one is, the people will freak out."

2014-07-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "Tell the Colonel that you suppect that Vampires could still be watching the area were the 'refugees' are. Hello they are warriors and they can take care of themselves. If they die then it's their own fault."Luciana said with a shrug and a straight face.

2014-07-01 [GlamGamer]: "Excuse me, but their lives are not yours to throw away. I do not have the same benefit as your father. I cannot simply bring my men back to life as he can Demons." Demons could be brought back from the dead eventually, usually being stronger, as long as it wasn't an angle that had killed them. Antoinette looked hurt by how callous she'd been, and looked away, disappointed in her friend. "Andre, if you would please tell the Colonel some of what is happening. Do not tell him is De Fleur we suspect, just tell him it is a precautionary drill to weed out any possible traitors." She said as she walked to the door.

Andre nodded and did as he was told, quickly grabbing his pants from the corner and tugging them on. As he passed his cousin, he kissed her cheek. "I'm proud of you." He whispered before leaving.

2014-07-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stood in shock as she watched Antoinette snapped at her and stormed off.

2014-07-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette just nodded a little at Andre and then looked to Luciana, "Feel free to stay here, or you can come with me.. Or, whatever, really.." She shrugged a little.

2014-07-02 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah, whatever."Luciana disappeared as she gave Antoinette a mocking bow.

2014-07-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette rolled her eyes and turned off the lights as she went to her father's study. Screw her if she couldn't see why she didn't want to send her people into danger just to reveal a traitor.

2014-07-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana appeared next to Wrath."Hell is still affecting me. I need your help." Luciana learnt how to stop Hell from affect you. Hell normally stops affecting her about a week after she leaves.

"What did you do?"Wrath raised an eyebrow at his sister.

"I made Antoinette pissed at him cause I pretty much told her that her warroirs are shit if they die in battle."Luciana frowned.

Wrath sighed loudly."Your too much like father when it comes to that."He blocked her punch.

"Take that back!"Luciana snarled as she trie to punch him.

2014-07-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sat in her father's study, chewing on her lip. When she heard a knock, she shook her head a little. She would worry about Luciana later, right now she had to take care of the possible traitor.

2014-07-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath snarled at Luciana."You want hell out? Then shut up."

Luciana hissed at him but nodded as she fell silent.

2014-07-02 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette set the plan in motion, then went back to pacing. She eventually sat down and dozed off.

Andre let her sleep for a little while.

2014-07-02 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath put his hands on Luciana's head and focus on taking all the Hell out of her.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned in her sleep, a normal dream was turning into a nightmare. She saw fire all around her, and then soon people started to appear in the fire. They were reaching out, begging her to help them. But no matter how much water she used, the flames wouldn't go out. Then she saw Luciana and Wrath, they could help, right? She shifted on the couch, placing her hand on the wall. No, they too were being engulfed in flames, beautiful white wings burning off. Antoinette screamed, a panic signal running through the walls and somehow setting off alarms; security and fire alarms both.

Andre jumped up, looking around and then he went over to his cousin, putting a hand on her shoulder, only to be thrown back and pinned to a wall with a vine.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana jerked away from Wrath with a yelp in pain."Thanks."She said as the slight red ring around her blue eyes disappeared. Luciana looked at the castle with a frown as she heard the alarms."Antoinette..."She whispered then she ran towards the school with Wrath hot on her heels.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette lifted herself up, still sleeping, with her plants, wrapping herself in vines in a protective pod. The pod had a golden glow to it.

Anyone who came near her was sent flying back.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana and Wrath ran until they got to the room where Antoinette was in. Luciana ran over to Andre."Andre!"She shouted as she shook him.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre coughed as he sucked in air, the impacts had knocked the wind out of him and he hadn't been breathing well since. "Ant, is she okay?" He sputtered. He sat up, frowning at the golden light, "That's impossible..."

The golden light was the light normally emitted by a Nephilum in Micheal's line, which it was possible that Antoinette's family had ties to Micheal. The impossible part was that Fey hadn't been able to really use Nephilum magic in centuries, except for a few small things. Nothing this big or strong.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at Antoinette."Holy crap...a child of Uncle Michael."She whispered.

Wrath stood in shock as he watched Antoinette.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre slowly got to his feet, "Yeah... I think one of his sons married a Nymph, much to his displeasure and her line was started that way... But. Fey can't use Nephilum magic...We just, can't." He looked at them, "How are we going to get her out of there? She keeps shoving people away."

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "I can't help her or I'll die cause I'm Fallen due to the lack of working wings."Luciana frowned.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a little, then looked at Wrath, pondering. "And you, can you approach her?"

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded a little."But I'm not sure how. I've never seen this before."He frowned as he he slowly stalked towards the vine pod.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Andre watching him, glancing at the others who were standing near, waiting to see if Wrath could help or not.

The vines grabbed his hands, ready to fling him back too. After a moment, they loosened and finally let him go.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "Seems the vines don't mind me." Wrath muttered as rubbed his hand then he put his hand onto the pod."Now Princess you need to stop with the pod cause your freaking everyone out."

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: The light was warm and humming, pulsing a little. Slowly, the vines moved and his hand went through the light. Inside the pod, Antoinette was still sleeping.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath poked Antoinette."Wake up now, Princess."He kept poking her.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shoved away his hand and tried to roll over. She started to wake up when she realized she was sitting up. Blinking a few times, she looked around the inside of the pod, squeaking and jumping away from the seemingly floating hand. The light began to fade now that she was awake, so now she was just sitting on a stool of vines, looking confused as hell.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded a little.

"Antoinette!"Luciana ran over to her and knelt by the vine stool."You okay?"

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at Luciana, and then she hugged her friend tightly, "I'm sorry I snapped." She whispered.

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's okay. I still had Hell in me."Luciana said softly as she hugged Antoinette back tightly.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little and looked around, "What... Happened? I had a horrible, horrible dream and then I woke up in a.. Bubble?"

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good new is that you're family. Your from Uncle Michael's side of the family. Bad news is that I have no idea why you were in a vine pod that shone Michael's light."Luciana said with a slight smile.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned, "Okay, Ha ha... I can't use Angel light, so what really happened?"

Andre chuckled softly, "Apparently you can."

2014-07-04 [Cerulean Sins]: "You did use Angel light which is why I couldn't help you or I'd be dead but Wrath helped you."Luciana smiled.

2014-07-04 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at Wrath, "Floaty hand.." She muttered and then looked back to Luciana, "What does this mean?"

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "I have no idea. I guess I could call father or uncle Michael."Luciana said as she took her phone out.

2014-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded a little, then heard soft beeping and put a hand on her phone, "We have bigger problems." She muttered and stood, stumbling over to the desk.

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "What problem? What could be bigger than you discovering this power and that the fact that the vamps have gone bat shit cray cray?"Luciana asked softly as she walked over to Antoinette's desk.

2014-07-06 [GlamGamer]: "That I have a traitor... Two of them." Antoinette pointed to the screen. "This is the guy Wrath suspected.. And this is his partner." She pointed to two guys on the screen.

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Shit..."Wrath muttered.

"Two? So who is De Fleur's partner?"Luciana asked with a frown.

2014-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sighed heavily, "One of the guards my cousin insisted on me having whenever I was in France.."

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Which cousin? Just so I know what one to feed to Pookie."Luciana grinned."But on a serious note, ew that guy is like gross.

2014-07-06 [GlamGamer]: "Yes, and he's very...Handsy.." Antoinette wrinkled her nose, then looked at Andre, "Have you been able to get a hold of your sister?"

Andre shook his head, "I can't even get through on the emergency line.."

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at Andre."I'm sure she'll be fine."

2014-07-06 [GlamGamer]: Andre shrugged a little, "Probably.. She'd just bitch that they weren't killing people the right way."

2014-07-06 [Cerulean Sins]: "Impatient?"Luciana asked.

2014-07-07 [GlamGamer]: "That and she's just a spoiled bitch." Andre shrugged. There was little love or concern for his siblings. He didn't even like his parents. His nieces and nephew were a different story though. He hoped at least they had made it to safety.

2014-07-08 [Cerulean Sins]: "Charming."Luciana muttered softly.

2014-07-09 [GlamGamer]: "No, that's what they say about me." Andre smirked a little, wincing when Antoinette smacked his chest.

Antoinette scowled at Andre, "Stop it.."

2014-07-09 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana rolled her eyes."Riiiiggghhhttt..." She shook her head."Anyways what do we do about our two traitors?"

2014-07-10 [GlamGamer]: Andre frowned a little, "I imagine we're going to have to ask the council.. Speaking of, do you know who you're going to be appointing?... Antoinette?" He watched his cousin get up and start pacing.

Antoinette was pacing up and down the room. She stopped and looked around the room, "I think I'm going to drown them.." She whispered softly

2014-07-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "Drowning them might be a bad idea, Antoinette."Luciana said softly.

2014-07-11 [GlamGamer]: Andre raised a brow, staring at his cousin like she had two heads.

Antoinette stopped and looked at Lucianna, turning bright pink, "I said that out loud?"

2014-07-11 [Cerulean Sins]: "Just a little."Luciana stood up and walked over to Antoinette. "Chill. We'll find out something to take these traitors out."

2014-07-11 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette blushed harder, "I don't actually mean to drown them.." She muttered, then shot Andre a glare when he just burst out laughing.

Andre had to sit down he was laughing so hard.

2014-07-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana patted Antoinette's arm."I know, hun."

2014-07-14 [GlamGamer]: "Sort of.." She admitted with a slight scowl. Antoinette was getting ready to work herself into a state of being pissed off when she felt vines wrapping around her fingers and wrists. She took a deep breath and sighed it out heavily. "I need to go clear my head.." She said softly.

2014-07-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Off you pop and I'll bring you my sinfully chocolate cream hot chocolate."Luciana smiled a little.

2014-07-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded and smiled a little. "I'll be in the dance studio... no guards this time. "

2014-07-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah....I'm sorry about that. Blame Hell, I do."Luciana grinned a little then she went to the kitchen.

2014-07-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled and went to the studio, chewing on her lip the whole way

2014-07-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked into the kitchen and started making the hot chocolate.

2014-07-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette wentback to stretching out while she thought about who to choose forcouncil.

2014-07-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana hummed softly as she made the hot chocolate from scratch.

2014-07-14 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette sighed and just lay down, not feeling like dancing right this moment.

2014-07-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stirred the chocolate and milk together in the hot pan as she hand whips the cream with the electric hand beater.

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